Hosted jointly with the Actuaries' Club of Hartford & Springfield
When: May 10-21, 2021. Sessions are 11am-12pm EDT except as noted.
Location: Zoom (email us for the meeting link and password)
Price: Free!
Current Schedule:
Week 1
Monday, May 10: (General) Actuarial Transformation (presentation) (session recording)
Tuesday, May 11: (Life) Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021: Changes to IRS code Section 7702 (presentation) (session recording)
Wednesday, May 12: (General/Professionalism) Emerging Professionalism Issues in 2021 (presentation)
Thursday, May 13: (Investments) Macroeconomic & Market Update (session recording) (2021 Q1 Market Update Report)
Thursday, May 13, 4pm EDT: (General) ACB/ACHS Networking Session
Friday, May 14: (Health) The Role of Behavioral Health ‐ Now and in the Future
Week 2
Monday, May 17, 9am EDT: (General) Actuaries Working in International Landscape (session recording)
Tuesday, May 18: (Health) Health Technology, Consumerism and the Explosion of Telehealth (presentation) (session recording)
Wednesday, May 19: (Pension) New Pension Relief under ARPA: Its Implications for Pension Plans (presentation) (session recording)
Thursday, May 20: (Life/Annuities) Mortality Differential by Socioeconomic Categories in the US (presentation) (session recording)
(report and data visualizations)
Friday, May 21: (Life/Annuities) Life Reinsurance 101 Panel Discussion (session recording)
Detailed Meeting Agenda with session descriptions and speaker bios (updated May 7, 2021)
Antitrust Statement:
The Actuaries’ Club of Boston (“Club”) is committed to adhering strictly to the letter and spirit of the antitrust laws. Seminars conducted under the auspices of the Club are designed solely to provide a forum for the expression of various points of view on topics described in the programs or agendas for such meetings.
Under no circumstances shall this meeting be used as a means for competing companies or firms to reach any understanding – expressed or implied – that restricts competition or in any way impairs the ability of members to exercise independent business judgment regarding matters affecting competition.
It is the responsibility of all seminar participants to be aware of antitrust regulations, to prevent any written or verbal discussions that appear to violate these laws, and to adhere in every respect to the antitrust compliance policies of major actuarial organizations.